by Maria Miller


When this year opened its doors, we heard a clear announcement from the Lord, telling us that this was going to be a special year. Soon we saw His promise was true. It wasn't simply just going to be a time of relief for a few soldiers coming out of a season of heavy battle. We were certain we were in for a surprise. So, taking heart, and with great expectation, we looked forward to the months that lay ahead...

Soon the time for our summer camps arrived. The young people gathered like they did every year. God had prepared for them some precious gifts from heaven. The Holy Spirit was poured out upon them to the point of overflowing. The results of this encounter was that the majority of these young people separated to the Lord a year of their lives; putting aside plans for school and studies, careers, and even relationships, to enroll in Bible college. Many of these young people were the children of Christian parents. They were born into homes that had Christian principles. They were accustomed to hearing from their parents about the wonderful dealings and works of God. Nevertheless, many of them needed to encounter the reality and power God for themselves.
They certainly were not disappointed, but were amazed beyond their expectations.

How can I describe what I saw with my own eyes during those days of His outpouring? It would take pages to tell it all. Perhaps many of these things will only remain as a memory in the hearts of those who witnessed it. How can I describe the hours they spent under the influence of the Spirit, often drunk - drunk with the wine of His Spirit, or crying out for a deeper cleansing and transformation, or prophecying, or speaking in other tongues, or declaring visitations of the Lord to other lands.

Then September arrived and with it our "International Conference" in the city of Mar del Plata. It began our year of JUBILEE with the priest sounding the shofar. We have fifty years of accumulated testimonies of the faithfulness, greatness, and love of God shed over our lives and over our nation.

And as if this wasn't enough!... I would need many more pages to share what God recently did with the children of the church... but I will leave that for a future article.

And as the finishing touch to all these blessings, in December, the now elderly pioneer and founder of this work - R. Edward Miller - returned to live in Argentina - the land the Lord gave to him as an inheritance until the He takes him home.

There are many reasons for arriving at the end of this year with a heart full of gratitude, amazement, reverence and love for our Savior. It will not be frankincense, gold and myrrh that the ministry of Peniel, Argentina will bring to the Son of God this Christmas, but a heart poured out to Him who is our Lord and Savior.

Since this magazine is an expression of this ministry, we wanted to share with you, our faithful readers and friends, what we so appreciate in our hearts.