Man's life has a time determined by God. Neither the time of birth nor the time of death is our decision; only the All Mighty establishes these times. The limits of our life are set between the time of birth and the time of death.
All along our life time, we are able to make many decisions: "some for better and some for worse." From all these times, Master Jesus gave a fundamental importance to the time of visitation.

This time is so important that in the Scriptures the occasion when Jesus wept is mentioned only twice: once in front of his friend Lazaro's tomb; and the other time, when He saw the city of Jerusalem surrounded, beseiged and destroyed by its enemies, and He stated that this happened because they did not know "the time of His visitation."

Not only man (as an individual) has times of visitation, but also countries, cities and families.

What is the time of visitation? It is the time when God enters our lives to save us.

This special time lies in the long past, and perhaps we cannot recover it. In a certain sense, it is true, because God is always doing new things, but if we keep our hearts open, hopeful and thirsty for heavenly inspiration, He will always fill our lives in a new and closer way.

I acknowledge in the glory of God, He entered my life on several occasions. Certainly, God has more love and concern for us than we have for Him. Nevertheless, many times we feel so satisfied and safe with His blessings that our quest is detained and our thirst fades. It is at this moment that our love for Him grows colder, our faith stagnates and we start seeing all the treasures that God gave us as vulgar. I want you to recall that each drop of blessings cost a drop of Jesus precious blood on the Cavalry.

If we refuse to walk in the new light God wants to give us, it is as though we are rejecting that precious blood.

Dear brothers, if God gives you the opportunity of sharing His special period of visitation: Watch out! He means to grant you something more.

Comparisons will never do. It was said that the worst enemies of a new God's visitation are those who participated in a former one.

Let us pray the reading of the literature included in the present issue of our magazine will inspire a greater desire for God in your life so that you can enjoy a new time of visitation in your city, in your church and in your own life.

Until we meet again,
Edward E. Pierini